To Kill A Moth

By Akai(aka Joy Menzel)

if you would like to review please go to my page, or read the story on white with black text.

Don't own weiss, blha bhla I am having the same problems with immortal moths at my house so here is my little humor fic for the day.

Omi had it, this moth was immortal! He tired everything, bug pray, fly swatter, and his hands time to play dirty.

Pulling out a dart, if he can hit a leaf, he can hit one little bug, or so he thought. Taking aim, waiting for the moment, he threw the projectile, missing the target and nearly hit Youji.

"What the hell?! Omi what are you doing?" The poor play boy nearly jumped out of his own skin, was his team mate trying to kill him?!

"Sorry Youji-Kun, but you see, there he is again!" His eyes following the moth, who some how got away from death, all morning. Pulling out another dart, he was stopped by Youji's hand.

"You're going to kill someone by doing it that way!" He snorted at omi.

"Fine if you think you can kill him, be my guest!"

"Fine, really I don't see what is so hard about kill a moth."

A half an hour later…

"Youji hurry he is over here!" Omi called back at Youji, he too had it, they tired everything, this thing won't die!

Youji pulled out a few feet of string, he took aim, then release, he missed, and the stringed wrapped around the poor soccer loving ken making him trip dropping the bowl of freshly popcorn.

Ken huffed a sigh, and looked at the two, "what are you two DOING?"

Omi rocked on his heals, "trying to kill a moth."

"That won't die!"

Ken cocked an eyebrow, "how hard could it be to kill one little moth?"

A half an hour later…

Ken waited like a cat, right now! He swung, he could have SWORN he had got it that time, he even saw the dust on his buknuks.

"good try ken, this thing is immortal," Youji sighed, crossing his arms.

"There has to be away. Something we haven't tried."

Ran just entered the room, blinking at the three men.

"Hey Ran do you know how to kill a moth?"

He nodded, the moth had rested itself onto the wall right next to ran, he just glared at the moth for a while, then said…


and flicked it off the wall, dead.

So that is how to kill a moth.