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This comic is OURS do not take anything OR linke to any of our pictures or we will find you and SUE you. .This comic is rated WEB 14. If you do not like the contents thendon't read. It has BoyxBoy realationships also GirlxBoy char. death, and frank talk about the world today..

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Rules: Fan Art: It can be any rating you want, just so you know anything higher then pg-13 will be put in its own little area. Make sure it is under 100kbs or less please we are kind of pressed for room with working with angel fire.

Rules: Fan fiction: this can be rated anything from G-NC 17. If you do not send a summary with a rating we shall do it for you, we may not be super nice about it.(*hinting here*) So please send rating with a small summary, you will also be granted with pat on the back for sending it. Thank you and have a nice day.

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