Fanart and Fanfiction by Joy and Kyri

Kyris fanfiction and Art


Akai's fanfiction and Art

To Kill a Moth- this is a Weiss fanfic, one shot its based off my own never dieing moths in my own house. (also posted at
No Reason- fruba(fruits basket) fanfic a little bit darker, its an akitoxtohru fic(i take credit, when i first did this i was like one out of like...two-three poeple who wrote akitoxtohru fics. yay us!) This is after the tv series because it acutally ended with a little touch of the comic. (also posted at FFN)
Math Test- humor fic what if yugi let Yami take his math test for him. (Also posted at FFN)
On a shooting star- Another Furba fic, based on a what if, what would change if tohru never moved into the family from the start what would be differnt, and the same.(Also posted at FFN)
Hen- Inu. fic, Kagome has return to the present to stay and is waiting for inuyasha to find her, however something is also awaiting kagome.(also posted at FFN)











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